Monday, August 22, 2011

46th entry: Daddy's Project.

Hello there,

Nowadays, most of the weekend, Mom & Dad no longer stayed at home or went to town for jalan2. Now, dyorg ade aktiviti baru iaitu melawat Project Daddy yg tgh dibina skrang kat tanah mak dikampung. Ape projectnye? Project sarang burung walit. Kalo cakap je pasal burung walit sudah semestinye bangunan tak bertingkap di tepi2 jalan tu dibayangkan. memang btol. Itulah bendenye yg tgh dibina skrg.

So far so good, everything went smooth. And setelah lame x menjenguk, last saturday g la melawat kejap. And you know what? sumenye dh hampir siap, kecuali tweeter je yg still blom dipasang. Harapnye x lame lg boleh la bangunan tu mula beroperasi and membuahkan hasil.

a few pics yg sempat disnap.

our little room

menara from inside the building

tpt burung2 bakal bersarang

temperature device utk kawal suhu bangunan
Add caption
that's all for today, ta ta ti ti tu tu!

Me Myself,
<Kwon Fifi>

Friday, August 19, 2011

45th entry: Maaf, saya makan nasi.

Over kan topic entry? ape salahnye makan nasi? x de masalah yg patut timbul kan? Haha, btol! btol! btol! x salah pon makan nasi, tp tidak untuk saya! why? sbb diet karbo. since karbo kejadah yg lain x brp nak kawal, maka nasi la yg perlu di strictkan. Tapi! today mommy masak nasi ayam! temptation bau pon dh cukup menyeksakan. bile tgk org dok mencedok nasi time berbuka pose td. Ya Rabbi, mmg x tahan. so, amik la gak sesenduk. Mommy pon ckp, "takpe la sekali sekala. makan je la nasi" thanks mommy bg permission. Haha..

Esok hari sabtu. ingat nak ikut mommy and daddy g melawat rumah burung kat kampung. Nearly completed dah. tgl nak pasang sound je. Esok nak update gambar rumah burung la.

ok, stop sini dulu! buhbye!

Rasa bersalah,
<Kwon Fifi>

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

44th entry: half way to go~


It's been 15 days we Muslim had gone through the period of fasting in Ramadhan. Having the chance to fast with family is the real happiness. Got the time cooking together with mom and picking my own favorite dish as menu everyday was totally awesome! But still, i felt something is missing. The part where I am fasting without my all siblings together with me. Can't wait the time where all six of us talking, laughing, and eating on the same table with the same food, under one roof. Just wait for the holiday in 1 week then all of us will reunite again! I'm can actually sense the happiness by just talking about this.

I can see that mommy really miss her both children by keep asking to Skype with them. Well, even though we cannot actually met face to face. At least, the power of webcam can help us seeing each other. Haha.. thanks a lot to our good Technologies nowadays. Living in distance is not an excuse anymore for not seeing each other.

Raya just around the corner, about 15 days to go. Yet still there's No preparation had been made. Nor baking nor cleaning. Baking is mom's business and i'm pretty sure she well handled about it by just ordeing/buying the cookies from her friend. And cleaning? Oh! I know that's my duty. But i feel so lazy to do it. Cleaning the whole house by myself is not to my liking. I think of waiting my lil bro & sis to get back and divide the house chores fairly.

That's all for today.

Wanna attach some latest snap with Ryo. Just take it few minutes ago and now he is well asleep in my bed.

Today's reporter,
<Kwon Fifi>

Monday, August 8, 2011

43th entry: Future Aunty.

Salam ramadhan.

Hari nie dh masuk 8 hari berpuasa. Tapi rasenye mcm dh lame and badan kian lembik. Nampak sgt kan stamina makin lemah.

Back to today's entry title, I just got one good news from one of my best friend. She's pregnant 7 week now.. I am so happy to hear this good news. That mean, i'll be Aunty in the next 9 month. Perhaps by the end of this year, i'll receive another good news from another friend.. Haha, im so happy receiving and counting my future niece or nephew. but then again, when will i get the chance to have one of my own.

Aunty to-be,
<Kwon Fifi>

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

42th entry: It's time.

Assalamualaikum dan salam ramadhan.

Alhamdullillah, ALLAH masih lagi memanjangkan umur untuk beramal didunia ini. And yang penting sekali, bulan ramadhan kembali semula menapak di depan mata. Happy sgt menyambut puasa kali ni bersama family insyaALLAH sebulan penuh di rumah bukan seperti sebelumnya berkelana berpuasa kat U. Semoga bulan ramadhan kali ini dpt mendidik jiwa ni supaya menjadi better person. AMIN!

Hari ahad hari tu, abah dapat 2 buah buku cenderehati sempena dia menutup satu program kem kepimpinan pelajar sekolah. Dan buku tu amat sesuai sekali utk dibaca masa bulan ramadhan nie. walaupun bukan buku agama tp sedikit sebanyak harap dapat sedikit ilmu ttg sejarah islam. So, mission kali nie, kena habiskan baca buku tu by this month. Harap2 berjaya la.

owl girl,
<Kwon Fifi>