Tuesday, July 5, 2011

40th entry: Dugaan di tengah jalan

Last Sunday, our family went back kampung coz ade kenduri, jumpe tok sume bagai. Sepanjang balik ke sana dari dulu lagi, problem never faced us and not that day. thought maybe god want to uji kitorang or sumthing. Dari kampung kitorang bertolak after asar dalam kol 5 dengan harapan akan sempat sampai rumah before maghrib hbs. Tak semena2, masa lalu kat area Jengka 5, dad noticed something unsual at the meter of the car. Some sign blink all the time where it should not be like that if the car is in normal condition. Afraid to face greater risk, dad stop kat tepi and check what is the real problem and he discover that tali kipas putus and because of that, the temperature went totally high. From that point, everything went totally messed~

* our car stop kat tepi2 hutan and hari dah makin petang. berperang dgn nyamuk sume.
* mom want to call for help but she left her phone kat rumah. thanx to abg ngah yang lupe nak ingatkan.
* wani and i bwak our phone but kredit sume dah licin.

seriously, x tau nak buat ape. but keep on positive thinking, calm and cari some bernas idea..akhirnye, slow2 dpt pertolongan and we start to lega a lil bit. Thanx a million thanx to Pak teh for helping us through the nite. It's really touching that Pak teh sanggup datang all the way to us from Kuantan.. Sambil tunggu pak teh, sempat snap pic, mom said buat kenangan~ hell yeah mommy. dat's so true!!

Poor dad, dari b'baju hbs di tanggalnye coz dh kebasahan dengan peluh membaiki ape yang termampu~ time nie we ols wait kat petrol station coz cerah skit~

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